Friday 5 November 2010

Who do we think you are?

This posting is going deep into the innards of Grid software.

Think of it as a computer programmer's version of Inside Nature's Giants - a wonderful example of TV science but not necessary suitable for watching over dinner. So before we are get out the (metaphorical) scalpels, I want to explain why we need to do this.

The NGS provides the SARoNGS service - that provides certificates to people using their institutional credentials and store these in a MyProxy server.

We have developed the Myproxy enabled GSISSH to give users command line access to a grid compute service from any SSH client - this reads credentials from a MyProxy server.

By linking SARoNGS and Myproxy-enabled GSISSH, using the ability to create accounts on demand and opening the service to anyone in the UK Access Management Federation, it would be possible to provide such a service anyone in the UK academic community who needed it.

The big practical problem with this plan - and the one most likely to give your IT security people nightmares - is stopping this service being abused.

The missing link is the ability to provide very restricted access to users who are being nosy - enough to prove that it can be done, not enough to do anything - and full access to ones who have signed up to a suitable acceptable use policy.

Non-technical people can look away now...

If you offer a service that runs actual real programs on behalf of actual real grid users, then at some point you are going to be handed a blob of data that contains:

  • A user proxy certificate - with possible added Virtual Organisation membership - that gives your service rights to pretend to be that user.
  • A description of what it is that the user wants to run.

For services such as Globus GSI-OpenSSH and GRAM you need to associate the proxy certificate with an account on a compute service. The account will be used when running anything on behalf of the user.

This sounds simple. Lots of things about Grid computing sound simple.

This particular problem fails to be simple because there are many, many different ways by which the users proxy certificate can be delivered.

For GSI-OpenSSH, delivery is left to the Generic Security Service (GSS). Technical details can be found on Globus development webpages.

The code that provides GSS authentication plays a complicated game of network ping-pong as client and server bounce messages at one another until they come to a mutual agreement or give up trying. The people behind the Heimdal project have bravely attempted to explain how it works on their blog.

At the end of the game, the credentials are delivered to Globus in the form of a 'context' stored in a variable of type gss_ctx_id_t.

There is a function within the Globus libraries called globus_gss_assist_map_and_authorize that uses this context, feeds it to whatever authorization mechanism is used locally and returns a local user account.

globus_gss_assist_map_and_authorize is used in both the Globus GRAM gatekeeper and GSI-OpenSSH but does not seem to be part of the official application programming interface.

It will either look up the user in the Globus gridmap file or call out to an external authorization service such as LCAS/LCMAPS. The exact behaviour depends on environment variables and configuration files.

MyProxy-enabled GSISSH does this mapping by running the Unix id command as the user via the proper gsissh command. This is not going to work if the user is not allowed to run the id command.

We would like to be able to replace the gsissh step by a stand alone program that does the mapping in the same way as gsissh when presented with the same environment as gsissh.

Luckily, we have the basis of this program buried in another NGS project - integrating LCAS/LCMAPS with Globus webservices - which was put on hold several years ago. The developer left his work in the source code repository at NeSCForge.

The idea that code and code history is valuable in itself has been mentioned before in this blog and in much more prestigious publications before - and this applies even if the code was never finished.

We have one more problem to overcome. NeSCForge will be closing down on 20 December and we are not going to lose our source code when it does. The details of exactly how we will save our code will have to wait for another day and another posting.

[With thanks to Robert Frank at Manchester]

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