Thursday, 14 June 2012

Kick off - it's time for the NGS summer seminar series

In the midst of this summer of sport another event is kicking off soon but this time it's the NGS Summer Seminar series.

The first seminar will take place next Wednesday (20th June) at 10.30am (BST) and will give an overview of how accounting is done on the grid, and what it is used for.  It will cover the NGS accounting system at a high level and then go into more detail about the implementation of APEL, the accounting system for EGI, including the particular challenges involved and the plans for development.

The speaker will be Will Rogers from STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory who I'm sure would appreciate a good audience ready to ask lots of questions!

Please help spread the word about this event to any colleagues or organisations you think might be interested.  A Facebook event page is available so please invite your colleagues and friends!